"We had 33 people in the other day. I think we are doing all right.
"I don't think an all-year-round pool would do well," she said.
"I don't know if we would get the people in, but it could be a surprise."
She said there were not many other places for kids to swim in Eketahuna.
"The only other thing is a river which is practically non-existent in summer, there would be nowhere for kids to swim."
The pool is valuable to the community with learn-to-swim clubs and school swimming sports held there, she said.
"My kids have all come to this pool and learnt to swim here."
Mrs Mitchell said the committee had fundraised for the pool's solar heating system in the past and she was not worried about the funding for a replacement.
Resident Peter Spring, who has used the pool all his life and takes his son Jack there every summer, said he would just like to see a covered outdoor pool.
"It would be nice to get something to knock the wind off.
"Something like a shade, or a windbreak would help. I think it would get a lot more use and extend the season," he said.
He said he was in favour of upgrading it but did not think the town could afford a huge upgrade.
"It will need some serious funding from somewhere."
Jack Spring, 10, said he would like to see some more pool toys like inflatables, rather than getting an indoor heated pool like in Masterton.
"It's good enough solar heated.
"I would like a water slide or an aqua ring."
Boyden Ward, 11, who has been living in Eketahuna for nine months, agreed.
"It's a pretty good place to come in the holidays," he said.
Eketahuna resident Helen Thomas said the pool was vital, especially for children from inland towns who need to learn to swim.
"My kids grew up with it, they learnt to swim there.
"Everyone should learn to swim."
Glenn McDean, co-owner of antique and interior shop Sarah Jones, said the pool was very good for the town.
"It's got to be there for the kids.
"If the community pulled together, it could raise the funds."
A public meeting is planned for May to discuss options for the pool.