A poll has recorded growing support for National and shrinking support for Labour.
The Roy Morgan poll had National on 49 per cent support (up two percentage points) and Labour on 35 per cent (down one point).
The poll has shown National with a large lead over Labour since February this year though in the last two months that gap had shrunk to 11 points.
The latest poll, which shows a 14 percentage point lead, was conducted between July 16 and July 29 with 840 people polled.
There was little good news for the minor parties in the poll.
The Greens were down half a percentage point to four per cent, New Zealand First was also down one percentage point to four per cent.
Among the other minor parties, the Maori Part was up one point to 3 per cent support, ACT was down to one per cent and United Future recorded below one per cent support.