Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency is reviewing its state highway speed management plan after the Prime Minister today pulled the handbrake on its scheme and says it will now focus on only the most dangerous 1 per cent of state highways.
However, Chris Hipkins was unable to provide details on which roads would be targeted, when asked by reporters in Wellington.
When the Herald asked Waka Kotahi for further information, a spokesperson said: “In response to today’s announcement Waka Kotahi will review our state highway speed management plan to ensure that the highest-risk state highways are prioritised, alongside targeted changes to speeds around schools, marae and in townships which state highways transit.”
Waka Kotahi said it and local authorities are still developing speed management plans as part of the Road to Zero strategy.
“The speed management plan for state highways which Waka Kotahi is developing primarily targets high-risk sections of state highway, as well as lowering speeds around many schools and some marae, and putting in place more intersection speed zones,” the spokesperson said.