Hīkoi participants march in Hamilton on day four of a journey to Wellington to protest various issues impacting Māori including the Act Party’s Treaty Principles Bill. Photo / Mike Scott
Hīkoi participants march in Hamilton on day four of a journey to Wellington to protest various issues impacting Māori including the Act Party’s Treaty Principles Bill. Photo / Mike Scott
A new poll shows despite the current political drama surrounding the Treaty, most New Zealanders believe a respectful discussion about it and race relations in New Zealand is important.
The poll was conducted from December 16 to 21, following the introduction of David Seymour’s controversial Treaty Principles Bill and the thousands-strong hīkoi protest to Parliament opposing the proposed legislation.
The bill — which proposes reinterpreting the country’s founding document — is currently before a Parliamentary select committee, where several submitters both in favour and opposing the bill have said an honest and mature debate around the role of te Tiriti could be beneficial.
Horizon Research conducted a poll of 1043 New Zealand adults nationwide on behalf of Te Kāhui Tika Tangata Human Rights Commission.
When asked about what was important for the country, 78% agreed a respectful discussion of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/the Treaty of Waitangi and racial issues was important, down slightly from 80% in 2023.
Act leader David Seymour, the architect of the Treaty Principles Bill. Photo / Michael Craig
Almost three-quarters said harmonious race relations through honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi/ the Treaty of Waitangi (up from 66%) were important and a country where everyone knows its history (85% compared to 83% in 2023).
Other issues New Zealanders considered important for the country were protection of human rights in laws and constitutions (90%), everyone having a strong sense of belonging (90%) and positive relationships between Māori and the Government (80%).
Meanwhile, 63% believed remedying past injustices was important for New Zealand compared to 24% who did not.
The poll also found a significant increase in the number of people who felt they were informed about Te Tiriti/the Treaty 72%, up from 58% in November 2023.
Twelve per cent said they were very well informed.
Respondents were also shown a list of sources and asked to select all of those they would trust to provide accurate information about the Treaty/Te Tiriti.
Of these, the most trusted source was The National Library of New Zealand (44%), which displays the original Treaty and Te Tiriti texts, followed by the Waitangi Tribunal (41%) and books, websites, podcasts (33%).
The least trusted sources of those listed were social media (7%), political parties (8%) and advocacy groups (9%).
An aerial view of Hikoi Mo te Tiriti in front of Parliament in Wellington. Photo / Murdoch Ngahou
Thursday marked the second day of select committee hearings for the Treaty Principles Bill. Submitters spoke about the impact the proposed bill could have on rangatahi (young people), on conservation and the environment and drew connections between the processes around the bill and historic land loss and raupatu.
YouthLaw Aotearoa general manager Darryn Aitchison said young people deserved a proper conversation about the place of Te Tiriti in democracy and race — but the debate happening now was not that.
“It needs to be one that faces with courage and honesty the impact of colonisation on Indigenous communities. This bill is not a conversation about the place of te Tiriti in our constitution, and it’s not an honest conversation about race.”
Te Hunga Roia Māori o Aotearoa co-president Tai Ahu spoke next, saying the assurances from the Prime Minister that the bill would not pass into law was “cold comfort” to Māori whose historical experiences include land confiscation, dehumanisation of culture and language, and the denial of Indigenous and Tiriti rights.
Speaking in support of the bill, Economist Ananish Chaudhuri said the debate around the bill was important if New Zealand was to remain a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural nation.
“Is it possible to have separate laws, separate schools or separate health systems for one ethnicity? It does not work.”
Lorraine Toki (Ngāpuhi) told the committee her iwi did not cede sovereignty to the Crown which is backed up in a Waitangi Tribunal report.
“The process (of the bill) has not engaged Ngāpuhi whānau and hapū, there has been no engagement. The bill itself seeks to destroy the very fabric of our whānau.”
Julia Gabel is a Wellington-based political reporter. She joined the Herald in 2020 and has most recently focused on data journalism.