I know you may think it's too early to think about politics, particularly as we are all in switch-off mode after the Christmas and New Year stress period. How many resolutions have you broken so far? Are you looking to your 2014 career prospects with dread or optimism?
It's election year this year. It's life and death for our politicians.
When the clock struck midnight on Tuesday, every MP - apart from the handful of MPs voluntarily resigning from Parliament - would have thought: "I want to keep my job and perks". Then they would resolve to get themselves better prospects in 2014.
Here's the challenge for them. Under our adversarial electoral system, for any MP to get a job, someone else has to lose theirs. For any MP to get promoted, someone has to lose their job. All MPs must watch their backs to keep their jobs (they really are trying to knife each other) and they have to kill someone to get their next promotion. It's a kill or be killed environment.
Opposition parties' official job really is to defeat the Government parties. If they are successful, the Government ministers lose their power, perks and pay. Their staff go, too. Instead of having a chauffeur on call they have to catch cabs. If they lose their seat they get to wait for a bus. For many politicians, the thought of getting a real job is worse than death and they'll do anything to prevent it.