I'm pretty sure most, and probably all, of my friends in New Zealand would say that peace is something to aspire to. And if they turned their minds to it at all, they would probably say that they want peace between Israel and the Palestinians. I certainly want that. I am sure most New Zealanders would want that. And to me, every other Jewish person I know, and every other non-Jewish person I have talked to about this, that peace comes in the form of Israel and a Palestinian state, co-existing peacefully side-by-side. The so-called two state solution.
In the last couple of weeks, there have been scores of barbaric attacks on Jews in Israel. These come in the form of knives, vegetable peelers, screwdrivers, firebombs, cars, and stones. My Facebook newsfeed is flooded with the images, reports and footage, and it devastates and disgusts me. As I write, I have just seen footage of a Rabbi being mowed down by a car, and then hacked to death with a meat cleaver. The attacks target civilians going about their daily lives, not just in the West Bank, but all over Israel, for no other reason than that they are Jewish.
As if that is not distressing enough, these attacks (if they are not completely ignored by the media and leaders), are justified on the basis of Palestinians being frustrated by the lack of progress towards peace. All they want is the "occupation" of the West Bank to end, and then apparently they will be appeased. The evidence would suggest otherwise.
If they really want peace, they might ask their leader, Mahmoud Abbas (now in his 11th year of a 4 year term), why he rejected an unprecedented offer in 2008 for a viable independent state by the then Israeli PM, and didn't even come back with a counter-offer. And why at the end of last month he announced in his speech at the UN that the Palestinians are no longer bound by the Oslo Accords.
If they really want peace, would their leaders, teachers, imams and other influencers indoctrinate them in an ideology of hate, tell lies to incite them and declare that murdering Jews is the honourable and courageous thing to do?