The Green Party says the result of a poll conducted by Greenpeace sends out a clear message as to which party is the friendliest to the environment.
The Greens scored 97 out of 100 in Greenpeace and ECO's environmental poll of political parties, with National and Labour scoring only 27 and 44 per cent respectively.
"This result shows why New Zealand needs a strong Green voice in Government", said Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Metiria Turei.
"The marine environment is coming under particular pressure, from fishing, from mining and mineral extraction and increasing energy opportunities. Careful planning is needed to manage these demands while protecting the biodiversity of the oceans.
"Cleaning up New Zealand's waterways and protecting them from industrial abuse is hugely important the Green Party.
"The Greens understand better than any party that a healthy environment is key to our social and economic progress", said Turei.
"Attempts by others to undermine environmental protection are destroying the very source of safe healthy food, local and national economic development and climate change mitigation that will protect our communities in the coming years."