That is one of the messages council staff will be sharing at the launch, along with a free sausage sizzle, banners and giveaways.
The smoking ban will be voluntary and will not be enforced.
At the Arawa St bus stop today Rotorua's Therese Legaspi said she liked the policy and thought it should be practised.
"New Zealand should be smokefree. Cigarette butts everywhere make the place dirty."
Denise Cheffings said she regularly caught the bus from Arawa St and smoke from other people smoking irritated her.
Mel Rolfe, manager of Brew on Eat Streat, said they would have to wait until January to see what impact the policy extension had on business.
"It will be interesting. In this day and age we need to do it . . . we have had customers complain about people smoking at the tables beside them while they eat so we understand."
Tamati Coffey, owner of Ponsonby Rd bar on Eat Streat, said he supported the Government's bigger goal to become smokefree.
He said his bar currently allowed smoking in its courtyard.
"Change is coming. We as a business are going to have to adapt. Fingers crossed we will work through [the changes]."
The Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy has been developed in partnership with local health and community organisations.
"Rotorua Lakes Council was one of the first to make local parks smokefree and it's great to see the council is now extending its policy to include a wider range of public places," said Dr Phil Shoemack, medical officer of health for Toi Te Ora Public Health Service."This will help children to grow up in a smokefree community."
Healthy Families Rotorua manager Mapihi Raharuhi said one of the desired outcomes was to prevent the uptake of smoking now and in future generations by minimising the exposure to our children.
The council has had a Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy since 2008 and in recent years there have been approaches to extend the coverage areas.
A 2015 survey reinforced public support and in December the council voted to add the additional smokefree zones.
New (phase one) smokefree zones launching Wednesday, February 22 include:
-All bus stops and shelters
-i-Site and library surrounds, including Jean Batten Park
-All sports grounds
-Rotorua International Stadium
-All youth spaces and skate parks
-All council-controlled reserves and parks including lakefront reserves
January 2018 (phase two) smokefree zones to include:
-Outdoor paved eating places
-Eat Streat
-Markets held in the inner city
-Entrances and exits to public buildings and facilities used by the public
Currently smokefree:
-Council-managed Tokorangi Forest
-Council-owned playgrounds
-Rotorua Community Youth Centre Trust premises
-Tennis facilities at Lynmore, Okareka and Manuka Crescent
-Child Care Centres, including kindergartens, playcentres, creches and kohanga reo on council reserve land and immediate surrounds
-Public toilets
-Smallbone Park hockey turfs and Westbrook netball courts
-Rotary Market at Kuirau Park
-Council workplaces