Chris (National)
Incumbent: O'CONNOR,
Damien (Labour)
Majority: 975
Candidate results: AUCHINVOLE, Chris National Party 14,884, HAGUE, Kevin Green Party 1822, O'CONNOR, Damien Labour Party 13,909, RICHARDS, Steve McGillicuddy Serious Party, 235, SMITH, Jocelyn United Future 237 , TERRY, Robert Aotearoa NZ Youth Party 27, TURNER, Reg New Zealand Representative Party 44, WILKINSON, Steven Aotearoa Legalise
Cannabis Party 547.
Party results: ACT 692, Alliance 24, Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party 181, Democrats for Social Credit 33, Family Party 33, Green Party 113, Progressive 279, Kiwi Party 329, Labour 10,729, Libertarianz 17,
Ma¨ori Party 190, National 14,160, NZ First 1242, NZ Pacific Party 9, RAM 5, Bill and Ben Party 204, Republic of NZ Party 3, United Future 381, Workers Party 15.
Polling places counted: 100%