Hone (Maori Party)
Incumbent: HARAWIRA,
Hone (Maori Party)
Majority: 4,855
Candidate results: DANIELS, Judy Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party 615, DAVIS, Kelvin Glen Labour Party 4,477, HARAWIRA, Hone Pani Tamati Waka Nene Maori Party 9332, RANKIN, David Hapu Party 155, TASHKOFF, Peter ACT New Zealand 551.
Party results: ACT 88, Alliance 5, Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party 159, Democrats for Social Credit 1, Family Party 86, Green Party 536, Progressive 58, Kiwi Party 22, Labour 6949, Libertarianz 4, Ma¨ori Party 4695, National 1465, NZ First Party 1182, NZ Pacific Party 6, RAM 9, Bill and Ben Party 56, Republic of NZ Party 0, United Future 16, Workers Party 14.
Polling places counted: 99.4%