Winner: PEACHEY, Allan
Incumbent: PEACHEY,
Allan (National)
Majority: 15,195
Candidate results: BARTLEY, Josephine Labour Party 6786, GRAYDON, Gregory United Future 246, LECKINGER, Richard Green Party 1820, NABBS, Doug New Zealand First Party 588, PEACHEY, Allan National Party 21,981, SIMMONS, Chris ACT New Zealand 1485, TAYLOR, Ralph Jim
Anderton's Progressive 266.
Party results: ACT 2743, Alliance 5, Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party 45, Democrats for Social Credit 2, Family Party 39, Green Party 1670, Progressive 165, Kiwi 69, Labour 6900, Libertarianz 15, Ma¨ori 163,
National 20,277, NZ First 876, NZ Pacific Party 78, RAM 16, Bill and Ben Party 84, Republic of NZ Party 2, United Future 250, Workers Party 2.
Polling places counted: 100%