Christopher John (Labour)
Incumbent: SWAIN, Paul
Majority: 625
Candidate results: HIPKINS, Christopher John Labour Party 12,623, HURN, Jenni United Future 482, KEARNEY, Nigel ACT New Zealand 418, MARK, Ron New Zealand First Party 1348, MAURICE, John Jim Anderton's Progressive 250, VIGRASS, Lynette Green Party 1528, WHITESIDE, Richard National Party 11,998.
Party results: ACT New Zealand 851, Alliance 26, Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party 102, Democrats for Social Credit 8, Family Party 76, Green Party 1845, Jim Anderton's Progressive 326, Kiwi Party 225,
Labour Party 13,365, Libertarianz 14, Maori Party 203, National Party 13,261, NZ First Party 1348, NZ Pacific Party 47, RAM - Residents Action Movement 1, Bill and Ben Party 37, Republic of NZ Party 3, United
Future 475, Workers Party 16.
Polling places counted: 100%