Iain (Labour)
Incumbent: MAHAREY,
Steven (Labour)
Majority: 1050
Candidate results: CHATHA, Arshad Independent 66, DITTMER, Kevin ACT New Zealand 380, LEES-GALLOWAY, Iain Labour Party 14,682, LUCAS, Debbie Jim Anderton's Progressive 231, ODERING, Graham New Zealand First Party 1265, O'HALLORAN, Lawrence Green Party 621, OWEN, Frank United Future 244, PLIMMER, Malcolm National Party 13,632, SETON,
Grant Independent 92.
Party results: ACT 856, Alliance 17, Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party 115, Democrats for Social Credit 6, Family Party 71, Green Party 1977, Progressive 375, Kiwi Party 109, Labour 12,767, Libertarianz 16,
Maori Party 210, National Party 12,814, RAM - Residents Action Movement 2, The Bill and Ben Party 293,The Republic of New Zealand Party 3, United Future 394, Workers Party 12.
Polling places counted: 100%