Incumbent: HUGHES,
Darren (Labour)
Majority: 1,422
Candidate results: BROWN, Diane United Future 133, GUY, Nathan National Party 17,658, HUGHES, Darren Labour Party 16,236, KEBBELL, Jim Green Party 875, McCAFFREY, Peter ACT New Zealand 183, PAGANI, Josie Jim Anderton's Progressive 206, SCOTT, David John New Zealand First
Party 732.
Party results: ACT New Zealand 946, Alliance 25, Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party 101, Democrats for Social Credit 9, Family Party 65, Green Party 1944, Jim Anderton's Progressive 430, Kiwi Party 152, Labour Party 13,296, Libertarianz 9, Maori Party 277, National Party 16,293, NZ First
Party 2016, NZ Pacific Party 9, RAM - Residents Action Movement 0, Bill and Ben Party 150, Republic of NZ Party 4, United Future 363, Workers Party 6.
Polling places counted: 100%