Incumbent: CARTER,
John (National)
Majority: 9423
Candidate results: CARTER, John National Party 18,448, JOHNSON, Phil United Future 154, JONES, Shane Labour Party 9025,
LEIDING, Martin Green Party 2044, SHAW, Mike Kiwi Party 353, TAYLOR, Melanie Family Party 296 WILSON, David Democrats for Social Credit 151, WOOD, Alan (Smilie) ACT New Zealand 525.
Party results: ACT New Zealand 1338, Alliance 25, Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party 115, Democrats for Social Credit 45, Family Party 145, Green Party 2168, Jim Anderton's Progressive 238, Kiwi Party 196,
Labour Party 7711, Libertarianz 21, Maori Party 431, National Party 16,336, New Zealand First Party 2033, New Zealand Pacific Party 16, RAM - Residents Action Movement 3, The Bill and Ben Party 129, The Republic of New Zealand Party 13, United Future 190, Workers Party 21.
Polling places counted: 100%