Jonathan (National)
Incumbent: COLEMAN,
Jonathan (National)
Majority: 8577
Candidate results: COLEMAN, Jonathan National Party 18,271, DOHERTY, Benjamin RAM - Residents Action Movement 54, DROMGOOL, Steven United Future 125, ELLEY, Jeanette Green Party 1709, HILL, Brenda Jim Anderton's Progressive 190, KEARNEY, Nick ACT New Zealand 553,
LINTON, Peter Libertarianz 68, McCRACKEN, Hamish Labour Party 9694,
McDONALD, Barry Kiwi Party 131, XU, Angela Family Party 491
Party results: ACT New Zealand 1694, Alliance 7, Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party 105, Democrats for Social Credit 10, Family
Party 121, Green Party 2031, Jim Anderton's Progressive 285, Kiwi Party 154, Labour Party 9322, Libertarianz 31, Maori Party 181, National Party 15,878, New Zealand First Party 1030, New Zealand Pacific Party
60, RAM - Residents Action Movement 9, The Bill and Ben Party 129, The Republic of New Zealand Party 7, United Future 325, Workers Party 8.
Polling places counted: 100%