Incumbent: MAPP,
Wayne (National)
Majority: 13,159
Candidate results: BOSCAWEN, John ACT New Zealand 1397, CLEARY, Louise Family Party 468, COOPER, Stephen RAM - Residents Action Movement 39, GREGORY, Joe New Zealand First Party 557, LIGHT, Damian United
Future 236, MAPP, Wayne National Party 21,451, MURPHY, Michael Libertarianz 85, TWYFORD, Phil Labour Party 8292, WATSON,
Pieter Green Party 2039.
Party results: ACT New Zealand 2718, Alliance 5, Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party 80, Democrats for Social Credit 2, Family Party
157, Green Party 863, Jim Anderton's Progressive 156, Kiwi Party 79, Labour Party 7399, Libertarianz 25, Maori Party 188, National Party 20,163, New Zealand First Party 1053, New Zealand Pacific Party 10, RAM -
Residents Action Movement 9, The Bill and Ben Party 108, The Republic of New Zealand Party 4, United Future 334, Workers Party 7.
Polling places counted: 100%