David (Labour)
Incumbent: CUNLIFFE,
David (Labour)
Majority: 3368
Candidate results: CUNLIFFE, David Labour Party 15,356, DALGLEISH, Kerryanne United Future 289, DEWAR, Kath Green Party 1902, GROSER, Tim National Party 11,988, KAZEMI YAZDI, Mohammad Jim Anderton's Progressive 211, TASKER, Michael ACT New Zealand 906.
Party results: ACT New Zealand 1196, Alliance 19, Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party 92, Democrats for Social Credit 5, Family Party 76, Green Party 2278, Jim Anderton's Progressive 291, Kiwi Party 125, Labour Party 12,221, Libertarianz 9, Maori Party 181, National Party 12,634, New
Zealand First Party 1135, New Zealand Pacific Party 195, RAM - Residents Action Movement 7, The Bill and Ben Party 121, The Republic of New Zealand Party 3, United Future 274, Workers Party 13.
Polling places counted: 100%