Murray (National)
Incumbent: MCCULLY,
Murray (National)
Majority: 12,800
Candidate results: ADAMS, Paul Family Party 3275, BRADFORD, Sue Green Party 1969, GOLDSMITH, Vivienne (Viv) Labour Party 5628, HUTTON, Toby No Commercial Airport at Whenuapai Airbase Party 258, JONES, Dail New Zealand First Party 683, KRONFELD, Tim ACT New Zealand 1149,
McCULLY, Murray National Party 18,428, McINNES, Ian United Future 200, ZAMORA, Elah Libertarianz 50
Party results: ACT New Zealand 1844, Alliance 13, Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party 70, Democrats for Social Credit 12,
Family Party 435, Green Party 1210, Jim Anderton's Progressive 196, Kiwi Party 84, Labour Party 6855, Libertarianz 21, Maori Party 110, National Party 19,617, New Zealand First Party 944, New Zealand Pacific Party 8, RAM - Residents Action Movement 3, The Bill and Ben Party 124,
The Republic of New Zealand Party 6, United Future 234, Workers Party 8.
Polling places counted: 100%