Winner: BURNS, Brendon
Incumbent: BARNETT,
Tim (Labour)
Majority: 880
Candidate results: BAGCHI, Somnath Jim Anderton's Progressive 538, BEAVEN, Andrew Kiwi Party 324, BRITNELL, Michael Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party 397, BURNS, Brendon Labour Party 12,535, CLARK, Byron Workers Party 130, KLEIS, Greg Alliance 87, McLAUCHLAN, Jan Green
Party 2217, SEVERIN, Toni ACT New Zealand 400, WAGNER, Nicky National
Party 11,655
Party results: ACT New Zealand 776, Alliance 41, Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party 149, Democrats for Social Credit 15, Family Party 11, Green Party 3080, Jim Anderton's Progressive 634, Kiwi Party 196, Labour Party 11,179, Libertarianz 3, Maori Party 182, National Party 10,778, New Zealand First Party 925, New Zealand Pacific Party 19, RAM - Residents Action Movement 4, The Bill and Ben Party 147,
The Republic of New Zealand Party 3, United Future 209, Workers Party 26.
Polling places counted: 100%