“That is why the Green Party would ensure all families have what they need for these early years, by doubling Best Start from $69 a week, to $140, and make it universal for all children under 3 years.”
Currently, families can receive the $69 weekly Best Start payment until their baby turns 1, no matter the income. However, they do not get that payment while they are receiving the paid parental leave payment. After the first year, only families earning under $96,295 are eligible to receive the payment until their child turns 3.
The doubling of the Best Start payment is part of the Green Party’s Income Guarantee plan.
“This universal payment for the first three years recognises that, just like in our older years through superannuation, the very first years of a new baby’s life are a time when every family needs extra support,” Davidson said.
“Under this plan, we’ll also reform Working for Families into a simpler, fairer system. This will provide a payment of up to $215 every week for the first child, and $135 a week for every other child, in addition to the Best Start payments. With the Green Party in government, we can take action to guarantee every whānau has enough to get by no matter what.
“There is no reason for any child in Aotearoa to go hungry or to live in a damp, cold house. Poverty is a political choice. Our plan will provide lasting solutions that will guarantee everyone has what they need to live a good life and cover the essentials - even when times are tough.”
Since 2021, the Labour Government has increased the Best Start payment from $60 to $69 a week.