The Government is on track to meet its first and second emissions budgets, but remains off track for hitting its third budget, which begins in the 2030s.
Climate Change Minister Simon Watts released the Government’s final Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP) on Wednesday. An ERP is a document required under the Zero Carbon Act which details how the Government will meet its commitment to reduce emissions and meet the net zero 2050 target. Emissions commitments are split into five-year emissions budgets.
This is the first such plan for the coalition Government and confirms the direction of the draft ERP released earlier this year, which also showed New Zealand missing its third emissions budget.
Watts introduced an amendment to the first ERP, introduced under the last Government. The revision to the plan made “cost-of-living” changes to policies from the first ERP, such as binning vehicle-kilometres-travelled targets, axing subsidies for EVs, and closing the GIDI fund for industrial decarbonisation. These policies had already been announced.
Figures released with the plan showed the Government had managed to close the gap on the third emissions budget. The draft plan showed the Government going over the budget by 17 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent (Mt CO2-e). The final plan closes this gap to 9.2Mt CO2-e.