I wonder if everyone, particularly the poor, are aware of how much pain we need to bear before we get to the gain we've been promised.
Any change of government results in uncertainty, but when a government promises to be transformative then a wise person knows that things are going to get worse before they get better.
So first of all. Noticed the price of petrol going up? As the market waits for what is going down with policy settings, the dollar is also going down. And that means petrol is going up. It is what it is. But that hurts the poor more than the rich, who don't notice a cent here or there.
But hold on - there's also the Auckland regional fuel tax of 10 cents a litre which was the first policy off the rank. There's another cost.
The fascinating thing is, that tax will pay for infrastructure to provide public transport so the poor can still get around the city. But that won't be in place for years and in that time the working poor still have to get to their workplaces. By car. Paying 10 cents a litre more. Again, the rich will suck that up no problem. But the poor won't. The poor are being asked for a donation to help themselves. Not very Labour I would think. Normally they'd ask the rich to pay for the improvements to the poor's lot. That would probably be congestion taxes. User pays. Hit the fat cats coming into Auckland central to the highrise head offices would be the normal Labour way. But no.