Metiria Turei's admission of her past benefit rort is turning into one of the most polarised political debates of the year. Turei has now told the story to an international audience via the Guardian website - see: I told a lie to claim benefits. Now I am an MP and I want to tell you why.
There seems to be a fairly basic divide: Turei is to be praised and admired, or roundly condemned. But, actually, it's probably more complex than this, and there are lots of interesting and important issues raised by the whole debate.
The backlash against Turei
The strongest and most interesting condemnation of Metiria Turei's welfare fraud is made by TVNZ columnist, John Armstrong, who hits out at those "bestowing accolades she simply does not deserve" - see his must-read analysis: The timing of Metiria Turei's benefit fraud admission stinks - as does her handling of it.
He explains why he thinks Turei's supporters "rushed to her side in lemming-like solidarity" with two theories: "First, they share Turei's deep distaste of the welfare "reform" agenda pursued currently by National and previously by Labour. Second, they feared that Turei's admission to welfare fraud was to invite her being crushed under the weight of public opinion devoid of any sympathy for those on a benefit."
Much of Armstrong's condemnation of Turei revolves around him questioning her authenticity and motives: "She endeavoured to turn her breach of the law into a launching pad for her party's welfare policy. That is audacious. It is also the height of arrogance. It is also to enter very dangerous territory. It implies you are above the law. It says it is okay to break the law in order to try and change it."
And he has an alternative explanation for why Turei decided to go public: "Turei has made little secret of her ambition to be in charge of the Social Development portfolio in a Labour-Greens coalition government. Were she to become Social Development minister following September's election and had she not disclosed her misleading of Work and Income, the Social Development ministry's operational arm, the prime minister (whoever that might yet turn out to be) would have no choice but to sack her were those indiscretions to have become public. Her honesty would be refreshing were the timing not just a few weeks out from an election. That stinks - as does the manner in which she has handled the matter."
Armstrong believes that ultimately the ploy will not serve her cause well: "the exposure of Turei's flouting of the law will further alienate low-income families in which both parents work long hours and who consequently cannot abide welfare cheats. Those voters are already deserting the centre-left. Turei's holier-than-thou disposition is hardly going to attract them back."
Yesterday's New Zealand Herald editorial is also highly critical, saying that her tactic seems to have "failed dismally", as it has produced significant anger about her dishonesty - see: Greens co-leader Metiria Turei's big mistake.
Here's the newspaper's main point: "There is also considerable public anger over her selective and self-serving morality. Turei has effectively argued that she had a moral right to rip off the system because she had to feed her baby. She is wrong because hardship doesn't give anyone the right to break the law. Her example encourages others to do the same and is unfair on those who struggle through legally. It is a particularly bad look coming from a party leader on a base salary of $173,000 a year."
Today's Dominion Post editorial is mainly about the police investigation of Todd Barclay, but also concludes that Turei needs to be investigated: "Politicians must never be seen to be privileged above others before the law. And that is why, as it happens, the authorities should hold Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei to account for her admission of benefit fraud. If Work and Income don't require her to repay the money, it could leave the impression that it is softer on the MP than on other beneficiaries" - see: Politics and a tale of two police investigations.
Unsurprising, there is also plenty of hard-line condemnation from those on the more conservative right. Christine Rankin (the former Conservative Party politician and head of Work and Income) has labelled Turei as "absolutely disgraceful" and called for her prosecution - see: Former WINZ boss Christine Rankin calls Metiria Turei 'absolute disgrace'.
And Jordan Williams' lobby group has calculated how much they think Turei needs to pay back - see Newswire's Taxpayers' Union to invoice Metiria Turei at least $57K for money 'she owes taxpayers'. This has pushed The Spinoff to respond with: An invoice to the Taxpayers Union on behalf of annoyed New Zealanders.
Sympathetic responses to Turei
The response from most of Metiria Turei's political rivals has actually been very restrained - there have been few strong condemnations from politicians. And in fact, deputy prime minister Paula Bennett - also a former DPB recipient - has been reported as refusing to condemn Turei, saying she was not "interested in sitting here and throwing stones". Bennett has also judiciously admitted that "I've never led a perfect life, but I certainly never deliberately misled them or took money that I shouldn't of" - see Dan Satherley's Paula Bennett says she never 'deliberately' misled WINZ.
The above article also reports the praise of law professor Andrew Geddis, who says "She's being honest about the situation she found herself in, and the last thing you can accuse her of is hypocrisy". He also says "By being open and honest about it, it allows the Greens to address that up front and to say if this is the consequence we're finding in New Zealand, we should do something about it... I just really can't see the police wanting to spend their time chasing this sort of thing up."
Leftwing blogger No Right Turn has given full support to Turei's justifications: "well, wouldn't you to help your kids survive? And if not, you're a sorry excuse for a human being. People deliberately and consciously setting out to rip off the system out of greed is one thing; desperate people who are just trying to get by in the face of a system designed to grind you down rather than support you is quite another" - see: Standing on their principles.
As for Turei's motives, these are positively explained by political journalist Stacey Kirk: "So why reveal this now after 15 years of being in Parliament? Because it boosts the policy, because the Greens are in a unique position where they're perhaps the closest to Government they've ever been and it's time to make a bold play, and because they see a time to lay some stakes in the ground. It's also likely that the Greens have seen the success of the campaign for medicinal cannabis from late union stalwart Helen Kelly, who also vocally admitted her criminal culpability by openly smoking marijuana in the late stages of an aggressive form of cancer. She received little but sympathy for her plight, and if Turei can be held as an example of a beneficiary who broke the law to make life better for her child, it could help shut down inevitable criticisms that others will intentionally seek to rip off a system that carries virtually no consequences" - see: Metiria Turei makes a risky admission, politically and legally.