A "concerned third party" can also make a disclosure request. In such cases the information wouldn't necessarily be passed on to them, with Police deciding it is more appropriate to give it to the partner of the potentially violent person, or another person like a family member who is better placed to help them.
Police are also able to proactively release information when they judge someone to be at risk of violence from their partner.
Bennett said Police had told her about a case when they told a young woman information they held on her partner, aged in his early 20s.
"He was known to have had multiple relationships with younger women where he became manipulative and used emotional abuse like threatening suicide if his partner left him. Police believed the woman was at risk as his behaviour was escalating towards becoming violent.
"When Police approached her to make the voluntary disclosure, she said she had seen the man's behaviour deteriorating. As a result she made the decision to leave the relationship and move back in with family."
Of the 158 disclosure requests made in the last 15 months, 117 have been requested proactively by Police while 41 have been by the person in question's partner, or a concerned third party.
In total, 117 disclosure requests were approved and information passed on.
Requests can be made it two ways. Urgent requests are approved at a district level by a Senior Sergeant or higher.
Non-urgent requests are approved by a special panel made up of a non-commissioned officer, legal advisory and family violence staff.