Police responded to a robbery at Harlequin Bar & Restaurant located on Great North Rd in Pt Chevalier and multiple armed robbers at GC VapeStore 247 in Mt Albert. Video / Hayden Woodward
Police are hunting for multiple people involved in a number of aggravated robberies around Auckland in the past 48 hours.
In the latest overnight incident, police say “multiple offenders” turned up to a bar on Great North Rd, in Pt Chevalier, armed with hammers and a firearm.
“One person has fired a shot inside the premises which has struck a TV on a wall behind the bar,” Detective Senior Sergeant Ash Matthews said.
“The offenders have taken money from the tills and gaming machines before fleeing. It’s incredibly lucky no [one] was physically injured during this incident.”
The incident happened just before 1am at the Harlequin Bar & Restaurant.
A photographer at the scene saw detectives inside the premises while armed police stood guard outside, while a smashed cash register tray lay on the ground.
Police stand guard outside Harlequin Bar on Great North Rd in Pt Chevalier. Photo / Hayden Woodward
A smashed tray from a cash register outside the Harlequin Bar in Pt Chevalier. Photo / Hayden Woodard
At 2.21am, Police were then called to the GC VapeShop 247, on New North Rd in Mt Albert, less than 1km from Harlequin Bar.
Once again, armed police officers stood guard outside the building in the early hours of this morning.
Police said a large a group of people were also involved.
“Up to seven offenders armed with hammers have entered the building on New North Rd which at the time had a staff member and four customers inside.
Same group involved in Wednesday aggravated robbery
“Two offenders have threatened the victims inside the store while the other offenders have taken a number of items before fleeing.”
Police said no one was injured but all were left shaken afterwards.
Matthews said the group left in a stolen vehicle which police found a short distance away in a neighbouring suburb on Holbrook St, Blockhouse Bay.
The vehicle will now undergo a forensic examination.
Police stand guard outside GC VapeShop 247 in Mt Albert. Photo / Hayden Woodward
Authorities have not yet said whether they believe the two incidents involve the same people.
However, police now say they believe the same group of offenders involved in the overnight bar incident are also responsible for an aggravated robbery at another commercial property in Mt Albert on Wednesday night.