In this morning’s NZ Herald headlines with Chereè Kinnear, 5 Kāinga Ora board members resign, findings released over a tragic toddler incident and Donald Trump is granted partia
A man has been arrested after leading police on an “incredibly dangerous” pursuit from Porirua to Kāpiti and back.
The Armed Offenders Squad was called in, road spikes were used, and a member of the public’s car was taken before police could stop the man.
Residents reported on Facebook being overtaken by the vehicle and were “lucky to have avoided a head-on”.
Police identified a wanted man driving in the suburb of Waitangirua who then tried to flee, Kāpiti-Mana Area Commander Inspector Renee Perkins said.
Police signalled for the driver to stop but he continued to flee and exited at Waitangirua again.
He was successfully brought to a stop by police on Champion St, Perkins said.
The man was arrested without further danger to the public, she said.
“I want to acknowledge the work of police staff in this incredibly dangerous, fast-moving situation. Those involved were able to make critical decisions to ensure the safety of everybody involved.”
Georgina Campbell is a Wellington-based reporter who has a particular interest in local government, transport, and seismic issues. She joined the Herald in 2019 after working as a broadcast journalist.