Prime Minister John Key has moved his campaign to Gisborne today and spent the morning visiting wine making company Indevin where one of the winemakers thanked him for raising the issue of Air NZ's regional flight ticket prices.
Despite polls and mixed reviews of his performance in the first election debate last night, he seemed in good humour, asking whether the company was looking at bringing back Cold Duck -- a cheap wine he has previously confessed was served at his wedding.
He was thanked by one of the winemakers, Leon, for raising the issue of Air New Zealand's regional flight ticket prices and replied that he hoped the company would pay some attention to it. After Air New Zealand released its profit yesterday, Mr Key said he had spoken to the company about the costs.
Mr Key is expected to make a forestry related announcement this afternoon when he will visit an eco lodge.
Mr Key signed some bottles of Prospect chardonnay for the company to sell as charity fundraisers, but told the company he couldn't enjoy any of their wares just yet -- he has sworn off alcohol for the campaign. In what was possibly a reference to the election debate the night before he added: "although some nights you do feel like a drink."