The sun was out, the sausages were sizzling and the children happy to play in the sandpit, on the swings and with the playdough - but it was still a sad day for Lansdowne Playcentre.
Friday morning was the Roberts Rd centre's last session, before closing its doors and merging with Westside Playcentre in Renall St.
The centre had served the Lansdowne community for more than 30 years, but was forced to close due to plummeting rolls and funding shortages.
As a farewell, Lansdowne Playcentre parents, past and present, and their children hosted a barbecue, with food donated from Countdown and Masterton New World supermarkets.
Also attending were representatives from Plunket and Playcentre New Zealand, and Masterton Mayor Lyn Patterson - whose two adult children both attended Lansdowne Playcentre.