Name: Darshini Arunasalam
Age: 18
School: Pakuranga College
Exams: Level 3 statistics and modelling
How do you think you went?
I did quite well in two out of four of the papers, and in the other two I probably just got achieved.
What mark do you give the exam paper: not achieved, achieved, merit or excellence? Why?
I would probably give the solving equations part of the exam achieved or merit because the questions were quite easy to do, they were worded well.
The others were worded a bit more difficult so they were probably merit or excellence.
What was the oddest question in the exam?
There was nothing too bad, it was pretty basic stuff.
What was the hardest question? Why?
In the probability distribution part it was weird I guess. You had to really read into the questions and look at what was happening to understand it. Hopefully I at least got achieved.
Will you study the subject next year?
No, I'm doing a bachelor of visual arts degree at Auckland University - nothing to do with statistics. I'm sticking with the arts.
What is your top study tip?
Don't cram the night before. You have to plan it out so you have enough time in the exam to do each section.
Among yesterday's exam questions:
A coalmine has a number of seams from which coal is extracted.
Miners start work on Seam A.
On the first day they extract 12 tonnes of coal.On the second day they extract 15 tonnes and on the third day 18 tonnes.
Their productivity increases at the same rate of 3 extra tonnes each day.
How many tonnes would they extract on the 31st day?
Manufacturers design their packaging to promote their product and encourage people to buy it.
Look at the Hubbards and Gilmours muesli packets and note the difference.
Choose three features on the Hubbards muesli packet that would influence you to buy the Hubbards rather than the Gilmours muesli.Two of the features must be nutrition-based.
Morning: Level 1 physics, Level 2 economics and Level 3 physics.
Afternoon: Level 1 economics, level 2 physics, Level 3 economics and Scholarship Spanish.