Placemaker David Engwicht will be returning to Carterton on Wednesday, after a successful opening meeting in May, attended by 200 people, with the aim of "revitalising" the CBD area of Carterton.
He gave business owners a score on how well they presented their store front in order to attract people to the area and gave ideas for small things people can do to make the area more vibrant.
A Facebook page was set up by Carterton people after the meeting and people have been posting their ideas which so far include murals, framing ideas for shop windows, a public book exchange system, a "pop up play shop" and a facade idea for the town clock.
For his upcoming meeting with Carterton people Mr Engwicht will re-score each shop on how well it has managed to make a difference to the attractiveness of the retail environment.
Carterton District Business Inc is encouraging anyone to come along to the meeting on Wednesday, from 7pm at the Carterton Events Centre.