Climate change - it's time to stop fighting the mounting science and to start seeing how we can gain economically from it by being better prepared.
For over a decade I've been on the fence about climate change, because in my view both sides espoused alarmist theories. But lately (and not because of Superstorm Sandy) I've been wondering why, with 90 per cent of actively publishing North American climate scientists and most governments worldwide now embracing the science behind climate change, minority dissenters are getting an equal voice?
Evidence is mounting that global warming really is happening - not just from much of the scientific community, but also from business, like insurance companies. International insurance companies are noticing the rapid rise in payouts - some put this down to more people with more money who buy in vulnerable places.
However, the number of "one in 100 year" storms is happening, well, more than once every 100 years.
We no longer believe the sun revolves around Earth. We no longer believe the Earth is flat. Dinosaurs did exist. But, as US liberal comedian Bill Maher said on HBO this week: "How can we convince people who believe the Earth is 9000 years old that climate change is real?"