The winners are in control. They are winners because they deserve to be winners. They are winners because of their own hard work, talent and application. They are winners because, unlike others, they have had the attitude and sheer drive to make it to the top.
Winners hate losers because losers have bad attitudes which cause them to fail. If losers could emulate winners we could be a nation of winners. Losers hold us back as a nation. Winners are always keen to share the secrets of their success. Winners are often white and male.
When you are a winner you have the right to preach to others about how to be a winner. Those on welfare benefits and in low-paid jobs are suffering because of their unwillingness to seize opportunities to make the most of their lives. They choose to be losers just as winners choose to be winners.
Education is the first route to success. Winners know that our schools are staffed by teachers whose lack of accountability leads to poor results for many of their students. The winner's solution is easy. A key problem is that teachers are not paid according to their performance. Winners are aware that money is always the driver of performance. It is the fundamental motivator in life. Teachers just don't seem to understand this crucial insight.
In the workplace, people can always become winners through their own effort and hard work. It's not about luck or family ties or advantages in upbringing. It is about attitude and choices. If winners can do it then anyone can.