The new Government has a plan. I know that is hard for some people to get their heads around as they aren’t used to it, but it has a plan and if the past few days are anything to go by, it will implement that plan.
When I firstbecame a minister I was given sought-after advice from several previous politicians like Sir Don McKinnon and Dame Jenny Shipley. They all said, move with speed. The time will go so quickly and there is a lot to do. Obviously this Government has had the same advice.
The repeal of Fair Pay Agreements has stirred anger and resentment towards the National-led Government. Photo / Adam Pearse
Some people don’t like what the Government has done and don’t like what it will be doing. Our society is getting increasingly polarised. If you don’t agree with something then it is bad and evil. I didn’t agree with some of the things the previous Government did (or didn’t do) and I don’t expect to always agree with this one but I think you have equal right to your opinions and to voice them.
Some people don’t like democracy when it doesn’t go their way and instead of engaging they act like belligerent buffoons. They go looking for the wrong, they jump to conclusions and don’t bother understanding the detail - instead they believe the sensationalised headlines.
In 2017 they all wanted us to give the new Government a go. Even though some felt aggrieved that the party that got the most votes did not become Government, we were told “that’s MMP” and they were right.
So let’s give this Government a go. Why don’t you all take a breath, have a break, enjoy some sunshine (I hope!) and then let’s pull together next year instead of apart.
Paula Bennett is a former Deputy Prime Minister and National Party politician who now works at Bayleys Real Estate as national director — customer engagement. She is still active within the party, raising millions of dollars in donations for National this year