For Hannah Tamaki it must have been the week from - you'll pardon the expression - hell. First, her husband, Bishop Brian, receives a set of orders direct from God in his avatar as the Holy Spirit, telling him to instruct his parishioners to take bills in large denominations and place them on the stage during a Destiny Church service. Because this is the sort of thing God thinks about all the time.
Hannah may have tried to discourage the bishop but from what I hear, Destiny Church hews closely to Ephesians 5:23 - "For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church."
Anyway, as if that wasn't enough for her to deal with, doesn't the big lummox go and post photos of the event on Twitter, which quickly alerts the world to the fact that Brian Tamaki does one mean Scrooge McDuck impression, even if he does stop just short of actually diving into the money.
A social media-driven firestorm erupts and what does the Bishop do? He goes pig hunting with the builders. And guess who's left to front the media?
That's right. Hannah has to try to explain to the likes of John Campbell what on Earth her husband was thinking.