Jordan Peterson, bestselling author, clinical psychologist, cultural critic, former Harvard Professor, and currently a professor at the University of Toronto, is touring the land. Many people react negatively to Peterson and his views without being able to put their finger on the explanation. It's a bit like how you can't stand Queen but find it hard to tell people why. So to help anyone in that situation, here are 12 reasons:
1. The presumption of his bestselling book's title: 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.
Not suggestions, not guidelines but "rules or commandments", as they're known in some circles. In life, as in tennis, apparently, there are rules about which, by definition, there will be no argument.
2. "Antidote to chaos" is a terrible mixed metaphor.
3. He's a professor of psychology. I'm sure there are likable and thought-provoking professors of psychology who have interesting ideas about life and the world. I've just never been lucky enough to meet one.