Somebody somewhere in this country has had $11,600 worth of infringement notices for failing to display their registration on their vehicle. This sort of treatment may seem harsh, especially when for so many people their vehicle is a necessity because it's also the family home.
It's hard to know how a car owner who was not a goldfish in disguise could forget to do this 57 times. But it highlights the absurdity of the law requiring you to display your rego, which, according to a Ministry of Transport representative, "has a number of purposes, including a road safety purpose".
"Including." I don't want to nit-pick about vocabulary here, but a more accurate phrase might have been "has a number of purposes, mainly being a nice little earner".
There's a degree of whimsicality about how this rule is administered. I was once guilty of the offence but let off with a warning, told to hightail it down to the nearest office and get myself registered.
I guess the officer concerned could see my potential and decided I deserved a second chance. I took it with both hands and have never looked back. I turned over a new leaf, grateful for the opportunity I'd been given.