Fisheries officers will be stalking waters off the Wairarapa coast in a patrol boat this summer, says Ray McKay, Ministry of Fisheries field operations manager for Hawke's Bay and Wairarapa.
Mr McKay said the 5.8-metre vessel Runga Wai was transferred about two months ago for use in Wairarapa. It will be used over coming months on compliance patrols of recreational fishing and other operations.
The fishing patrol vessel Kahurangi was lost to the region early last year after a decade of patrolling off the Wairarapa coast.
It was understood the Kahurangi had been moved to Kaikoura and Mr McKay said at the time the shift was cost related.
He said yesterday the Runga Wai transfer to Wairarapa was made "to share some resources in the region and put it where it's needed".