Farmers have always been known to find it hard to get off their farms.
However, on the odd occasion, they would get into their best attire and attend the local races.
The New Year’s races were a chance to catch up with friends and neighbours, partake in fun activities, check out some fine-looking racehorses and perhaps down a cold beverage.
The New Year’s races have been a part of Kiwi life for a while now, as seen in these articles from the 1800s.
A public meeting was held at 7.30 p.m. this evening in Mr Scrimgeour’s hotel to arrange a programme for the next Kaikora races, which will take place on the first of January 1882.
It is well known that a few years ago the Kaikora races were looked forward to by I might say everybody in the district as a day of real pleasure, the races being held on New Year’s Day each year.
During the last two or three years the day was changed, and of course, the races held almost became almost a failure.
The club has decided to have the races this year on the time-honored New Year’s Day, and they are determined that nothing shall be left undone that will assist in giving satisfaction to those attending the races on that day.
There is a good balance in hand from the proceeds of last year, and by the liberal manner the subscribers “dubbed up” this evening I think there will be plenty of money to give good prizes, and make it worth while for the owners of good horses to attend the Kaikora race meeting of 1882.
I may mention that J. Lawrence, Esq., was re-elected president, W. White, Esq., vice-president and treasurer, and J. K. Newton, Esq., secretary.
Capt. Howard, H. R. Murton, A. Dillon, Esq., A. Scrimgeour, Esq., and all the leading men in the district are moving in the matter, and are determined to make a success of the Kaikora races this season.
Wanganui Herald, December 23, 1869. Image / Papers Past