Two teenagers face up to 14 years in prison after allegedly shining a laser repeatedly at the police Eagle helicopter as it hunted for a stolen car.
Joshua O'Hare-Knight, 19, and another teen have been described by police as dangerous and reckless after allegedly pointing a green laser pen at the Eagle as it flew over Mt Albert on Saturday night.
Police said the teens were at a party on Asquith Ave when they heard the Eagle flying above the area, lasering it when it came into sight.
The pilot hovered over the house and alerted officers to the address. Police located the laser pen at the house and the pair were arrested soon after.
The pair appeared in the Auckland District Court on Monday. They face one charge each of endangering transport, which carries a maximum term of 14 years' imprisonment.
Court documents stated the pair had reckless disregard for the occupants of the Eagle when they shone the laser light at it - a move likely to cause danger to those inside.
They were remanded on bail and are due to reappear at the end of the month.
Inspector Mark Hall, who oversees the Eagle, was reluctant to comment on the details of the incident yesterday. He did not want to draw attention to it and risk copycat crimes.
But, he said the teens' alleged actions were "very dangerous".
O'Hare-Knight did not respond to a message from the Herald yesterday. His lawyer said it was too early to comment on the case.
The other teen could not be contacted yesterday.
Civil Aviation Authority spokesman Bill Sommer said green laser beams were much more dangerous to aircraft than red ones.
They have a higher power rating and were 30 times brighter to the eye than red beams.
Mr Sommer said pilots were usually lasered on approach for landing.
"That's a time of major concentration. A laser can be a major distraction and cause temporary blindness," he said. "I don't know why anyone would do it. It's dangerous to point a laser at any aircraft, at any time."
Mr Sommer said reports of aircraft being lasered were increasing.
"But it's not an epidemic problem as in Australia, America or Europe," he said.
In March, 17-year-old Mt Roskill teen Joseph Mark James Corban was also charged after allegedly shining a green laser at the Eagle.
Police allege he pointed the laser while playing with a 16-year-old friend.
Corban is the grandson of wine magnate Joe Corban.
The week before Corban's arrest a passenger plane in Sydney was targeted by a laser as it approached Bondi Beach.
In August 2008, Ricky Nikora was charged with aiming a laser beam into the Eagle cockpit as it flew above Auckland. And Bernard Long was given 300 hours' community work for shining a laser at the Arahura and Kaitaki Interislander ferries in 2007.
Partying teens 'flashed laser at police chopper'
The Auckland-based Eagle police helicopter. Photo / Christine Cornege
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