A young Masterton couple who fought for three years to convince their landlord Trust House to fence off the back of their Kummer Cres section, fearing for the lives of their three children, are on the brink of having their problem solved.
Sarah Hunt and her partner Cody Pratt want the fence because the backyard leads directly to an open creek and beyond that railway tracks.
They were striving to have a fence, which had been destroyed during an earlier tenancy, rebuilt to safeguard their children Hayden, 8, Aliesa, 2, and Courtney, aged 7 months.
This week Ms Hunt came to the Times-Age in a desperate attempt to get help and an approach to the Trust House chief executive Allan Pollard got an instant result.
Mr Pollard said he had personally been unaware of the situation until contacted by the newspaper, having 485 properties in the housing portfolio, but upon learning of it began an immediate investigation.