Two friends who defaced National party hoardings stood in court together as they pleaded guilty to wilful damage charges.
Dylan Paul Armstrong, 21, and Joseph Robin Kawana, 22, are to be considered for police diversion after pleading guilty to a charge that on July 31 they wilfully damaged electoral signs belonging to the Wairarapa electorate of the New Zealand National party.
Judge Bruce Davidson remanded the pair at large until August 21 to give police time to consider diversion.
If granted diversion they will avoid a conviction. Diversion is only offered to first-time offenders who are required to make amends for their offending which could include an apology to the victim and a donation to a charity or to complete community work.
Outside court Armstrong quoted from television cartoon show Scooby Doo to the Times-Age, saying: "I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids."