The owner of the old Harley Street School in Masterton has no plans to shift a plaque laid in 1992 in memory of pupil Piri Ratima, killed by his father Raymond Ratima.
James Li, a Masterton District Council officer, said yesterday he was happy to have the plaque remain on the site and to make sure it was cared for unless family members wanted to reclaim it and relocate it.
Harley Street School was closed as part of a merger in 2003 and sat idle until Mr Li bought it three years ago.
Mr Li said he was happy for an unrelated wall of nameplates in fired pottery, the result of a school fundraiser, to also remain on the property.
Piri Ratima was 6 years old when he fell victim, along with his two brothers Barney, 4, and Stacey, 2, of his father's killing rampage. Also killed in June 1992 were Phillip Ferguson jnr, Nicola Ferguson and her unborn child, Bevan Tepu, and Stephen Tepu, 3.