1. Delivered Nutrition
Sophia Nash's food deliveries are moveable feasts. Opt for the five-day Restore if you are planning a major overhaul, stick to the Rebuild for a high-protein muscle sculpting hit, or reverse the weekend's sins with the one-day Rewind. Meals are delivered on Monday and Wednesday mornings, with roast vegetable salads, vanilla chia seed puddings, "raw power" salads (pictured) and cold-pressed juices. deliverednutrition.co.nz
2. Fit Me In
Loved by those who CrossFit, a new week equals a new menu of meat and plant-based meal options by Fit Me In. Affiliated with a large number of Auckland gyms and CrossFit centres; you can opt for delivery to home or gym. All your lean, green eating needs are catered for, allowing you to train hard and eat well. fitmein.co.nz
3. Nomad Nutrition
Mt Maunganui-based Nomad Nutrition's juice cleanse is delivered direct to Auckland overnight, and each cold-pressed juice contains essential fatty acids and amino acids critical to detoxification. Made from scratch, juices are same-day shipped to home or office in recyclable glass bottles. nomadnutrition.co.nz
4. Snackpack
Saint at breakfast, lunchtime role model, but 3pm arrives and you crumple in a face-off with the vending machine? Monique Satherley and Nick Larsen know the feeling, and provide a large selection of raw and natural snacks, including organic almond butter, quinoa muesli slices and bliss balls. Snacks go out Monday morning, so you're set for the week. snackpack.co.nz