Otago regional councillor Michael Laws is unrepentant about a Facebook post containing what is considered an offensive description of a black person - saying "if people are offended by rational discussion or historical context then don't be my Facebook friend".
Laws made the post last week in response to an Otago Regional Council decision to no longer use the term "Gypsy Day" to describe the time of the year around June 1 when sharemilkers move their cows to other farms.
Council chairman Peter Bodeker said yesterday the council's decision was prompted by concerns from Dunedin City councillor Aaron Hawkins, who said the term "gypsy" was offensive, as it was often used as a slur against Roma people.

Laws then commented on his Facebook page: "Right . . . so 'gypsy' is the new n... And of course they - the Roma/gypsies - are very upset aren't they and protesting loudly at the dreadful racism of the Otago farming community. More PC stupidity from the senior management of the Otago Regional Council. Wonder when they will banish all the 'gypsy fairs' from the region?? Better censor My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding while they're at it."