The biodynamic gardens of Weleda in Hawke's Bay are the ultimate in natural gardening systems, producing the ingredients for the iconic range. As part of a series by POD Gardening, the company's gardener offers a garden visit.
Calendula bloom abundantly orange; St John's wort waves its tiny yellow flowers; lavender's pungent aroma wafts on the breeze. But this is no ordinary flower bed.
Weleda's bountiful gardens in Havelock North are a living reminder that you don't always have to go to the chemist - if you have the right plants in your front yard. There's marshmallow for cough elixir, chamomile for digestion, echinacea for an immune boost (they harvest a hefty 250kg of the root each year). The plants are all there to become part of the company's natural health remedies.
They are part of an international network of natural cosmetic and health product makers, but nearly all of Weleda's herbal medicines sold in New Zealand come straight from these 25 acres of earth in Hawke's Bay. They're grown according to the ultimate tuned-into-the-cosmos school of gardening: biodynamics.
Biodynamic growing is part of the organic family of methods. "BD" gardeners, as they call themselves, are pretty cosmic in their viewpoints - literally.