Here, as part of a series of interviews with organic Kiwi gardeners by POD Gardening, Fleur Sullivan and friends take a ramble around the Fleur's Place gardens in Moeraki - and memory lane.
Coming from Clyde in Central Otago with its predictable and defined seasons over to the east coast of Otago, Moeraki was a new voyage of food discovery. As I rambled around for the first few months everything kept growing, seeding, growing and producing again.
I found a continuous supply of wild herbs, free-range potatoes (dating back to sealers and whalers), banana passionfruit, apples, mushrooms, puff balls, fennel, native spinach, pears quince, Japonica apples...
The reefs and rocks had all the paua, mussels and seaweeds you could ever want and creeks and ponds provided the sweet koura, eels and watercress. Then I met the fishermen, went out on their boats and that was the end of me. The fillets were of no interest to me - just the frames, livers, roe, the odd conger eel and, where a woman on a fishing boat with just a smidgeon of privacy could go to, the toilet.
The high-on-a-hill land my house sits on pretty much had no soil. My dad always said 'never buy land you can't grow stuff on'. My mother always made her compost in a large black bin bag, so with the addition of seaweed to the bin bag I have done the same.