No comparison of pass rates is given against the former qualifications the NCEA replaced.
The website also shows that girls are achieving better than boys, with the gulf between the two widening at level 2 of the qualification.
The website contains detailed profiles of individual schools but does not rank them in a "league table" form.
However, contained in each school's profile are comparisons against national averages and against other schools in that school's particular decile range.
The profiles show the number of students at a school, how many participated in NCEA, what percentage achieved the qualification, and a breakdown of what standards were achieved by students within the overall qualification.
They also show how many subject areas a school offers.
NZQA spokesman Bill Lennox told reporters today the website was intended to help people assess schools and their students through several different measures.
However, he said the statistics on NCEA achievement were an indication of students' performance rather than the schools.
The information was also intended as a helpful tool for schools who could benchmark themselves against others and their own performance from year to year.
To achieve NCEA level 1 students must achieve 80 credits from a range of subjects, including basic literacy and numeracy requirements.
To achieve NCEA level 2 students must achieve a further 60 credits at that level.
Level 3 NCEA, which will replace bursary, is in the process of being introduced this year.
New Zealand Qualifications Authority:
2003 Secondary NQF National and School Statistics and School Profiles
Herald Feature: Education
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