The community of Ōmāhu, celebrated for its resilience and help for others amid the devastation of Cyclone Gabrielle 21 months ago, is finally getting itself back together with the opening of 11 homes on its marae between Napier and Hastings.
Stemming from a casual discussion in a Hastings gym just days after the February 2023 flooding swept through the area and and many other parts of Hawke’s Bay, the relocatable 1-3 bedroom homes are a roof over the head for whānau who’ve had to live in emergency accommodation, including motels, or bunk down in friends and families’ garages and overcrowded homes.
Jimmy Epps, now “on the Gold Card”, has had to be in emergency accommodation and is now waiting for repairs to the home in which he had been living near the marae. Sitting at the front of his new single-bedroom rented abode, now back next-door to daughter Geraldine, he said: “Look at this. All nice and new. It’s good to be here.”

The homes have been erected in a partnership between the Piringa Hapū Authority Trust, Ōmāhu Marae and Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated, Ngāti Hinemanu, Ngāi Upokoiri me ōna and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) – Hīkina Whakatutuki have partnered together to deliver temporary homes for whānau displaced by the cyclone.