A man who poured boiling hot water over a colleague is sent to jail, and the Rotorua Lakes Council has received so many noise complaints regarding the Lumbercube mill that they have set up a dedicated phone line to handle all of them. These are just two of the stories making headlines around the regions today.
The man who filled a bucket with boiling water during a smoko break and "calmly" poured it over the back of a colleague's head, neck and shoulders has been sentenced to five years and seven months in jail.
The Rotorua Lakes Council has set up a dedicated phone line for noise complaints in the area relating to the Lumbercube mill.
Kindergartens in the Bay area will be at risk if they are forced to pay commercial rents to the Tauranga City Council. Tauranga Region Kindergarten Association principal Peter Monteith delivered this blunt warning to the council on proposals to not allow any new early childhood education centres to be established on council-owned land.
A Whangarei man has been jailed for blackmailing a 14-year-old girl into sending him naked pictures over Facebook.